The incidence of recurrence with a subsequent untreated infection is substantially greater (about 50%).
Since an untreated infection Steiner suffers from diabetes, diagnosed at his 18th birthday.
His eardrums were irreparably damaged from years of untreated infections.
The untreated infection then became systemic in Warner's body.
Many untreated infections have led to complications and even death.
Rheumatic fever is caused by an untreated bacterial infection (usually strep throat).
Leaving nail fungal infections untreated "is often a wise decision," the doctors concluded.
An untreated infection may lead to an abscess, which can cause a firm, often painful mass in the breast.
Nervous system abnormalities usually develop several weeks, months, or even years following an untreated infection.
But an untreated infection may spread to the kidneys and cause a more serious problem.