Possibly a journalist, but if so one with unusual access to insiders.
The reporters, the first visiting press group to this remote province, were given unusual access to local party officials.
The young soldier thus gained unusual access to troops at the front as well as high officers who feuded over the rights to his services.
The agreement with "Nightline" has given the program unusual access to the President and his staff.
In other words, because you're on a shared network, don't they have unusual access to your hardware?
"I'm supposed to be the resident science-fiction fan," he said, in an unusual access of humility.
But by adding unusual access, he said, Visa Signature has found "a way to bring it to life very differently."
Though the operation was undercover, the Customs Service permitted television crews unusual access.
She had a Government minder, and unusual access to top generals.
As a journalist, accustomed to chronicling the world around me, I appreciate this unusual access to real life in America.