The station forecourt originally linked both station building and goods shed, hence the unusual alignment of the station building facing towards Taunton.
Through Attwood Mendelssohn gained access to the organ at St Paul's, which was suitable for Bach, despite the unusual alignment of the pedalboard.
Daniel didn't have a choice because of the unusual lateral alignment of his missile tubes, but the situation was far from ideal.
They are only three games over .500 after losing, 7-6 in 11 innings, to Detroit tonight, with the Tigers scoring the decisive run against an unusual defensive alignment.
- By using a counting system some offenses believe to eliminate unfavorable matchups that can be the result of unusual defensive alignment.
But this unusual defensive alignment, where three Yankees played the right side of the infield, was used to defend against Frank Jacobs, a hulking Mets left-handed minor leaguer.
The unusual alignment of votes in this case was a reminder that the justices' ideological alliances do not reliably predict outcomes, especially in cases of statutory interpretation.
The cooperation came from an unusual alignment of people, politics and money, but at the beginning of the session in February, few lawmakers predicted that this combination would yield such harmony.
In an unusual alignment, Justice Ginsburg wrote the majority opinion, joined by Justices Stevens, Scalia, Souter, and Thomas.
He noticed one unusual alignment, the entire plan of this city seems to be on a very different alignment than most of the cities in Mesoamerica.