What evolves is an intriguing unity of oppositions which creates unusual breadth and original interplay within each structure.
It is widely thought that the unusual breadth and depth of his knowledge contributed to his great originality in the field of biology and elsewhere.
But now that Joseph Fernandez, only three weeks into the job, is asserting his authority with unusual breadth and swiftness, critics furrow their brows.
Ms. Fleming's Donna Anna had unusual breadth.
In 1974 Hinkley and Cox published a textbook on statistical inference, of unusual breadth and conceptual interest.
Still, the unusual breadth of the season has struck many.
Those who qualify are freed from four to ten of their senior year course requirements in order to complete an independent project of unusual breadth, depth and originality.
Over the past few years this faith has paid off in a string of works whose confident, sometimes brilliant originality has been fed by Tuckett's unusual breadth of creative experience.
"And what exactly is 'unusual breadth of discretion' supposed to mean?"
"That's what 'unusual breadth of discretion' is for, after all."