And this year there are more ways than ever to make your home special - from unusual decorations, swags and tiny trees, to ideas that are simple to make yourself.
The unusual decoration of the arrow smoother with a stylised woman figure of the Gönnersdorf type is a rare example of artistic expressions dating to this period.
This bold and unusual decoration led to the new car becoming known as the "Weltkugeltaunus" (Globe Taunus).
The shed has an unusual decoration of 17 round holes drilled below the cornice on the gable end.
The vegetable motifs are also present in the white frames of the upper level, showing a blind loggia with five arcades, in which are contained unusual geometrical decorations.
It is suited for their silken gowns but it is an unusual decoration in the eyes of the Europeans.
The base of this Greek-style cross sports the unusual decoration of two animal heads.
An unusual decoration provided to the entrance are the chains of stone rings (bale).
The unusual decoration is a feature of Buzz, which opened yesterday.
Miller's attention is especially drawn to one diary passage in which Tauber describes having seen Roschmann shoot a German Army Captain who was wearing an unusual military decoration.