But you can connect with their accomplishment; they were genuinely great pitchers pitching in an unusual environment.
Thus, the unusual environment within becomes a place that engages with the city instead of withdrawing.
They also turned to two unusual environments for the falcon: coastal regions and cities.
Because of Kerr's unusual environment, traditional examination administration is difficult, especially when other classes are in the center.
In unusual environments, osmosis can be very harmful to organisms.
An unusual environment would surely be damaged, but the amount of land involved is modest and the animals at risk are not endangered species.
We know from our experience with space travel that, as you said earlier, there are individual differences in reaction to unusual environments.
This way you may be able to get a taste of different or unusual working environments before committing yourself to one or the other.
The Enterprise crew beams down to discover a series of unusual environments.
Has your father spent any extended periods of time in unusual environments?