Its plain, stark orange color and unusual fonts went against conventional design aesthetics.
It also contains an unusual ceramic baptismal font which dates from the early colonial period.
Unusually, Hughes preferred to be his own letterer, and designed several unusual fonts for this purpose.
For a variety of reasons-damage to a book, improperly placed pages, unusual fonts, etc.-this process fails at a certain rate, leaving an incomplete digitization.
The church contains a 15th century rood screen and an unusual chalice-shaped font which may be over 600 years old.
In Mads recurring Monroe comic strip, certain words are written larger or in unusual fonts for emphasis.
You can not automatically check the spelling or easily change to unusual fonts, for example.
Höfðaletur (head letters) is an unusual Icelandic font used in carving that has recently been adapted for use in printing.
As a cathedral it had a highly unusual cruciform baptismal font inserted the center of the rear (west end) of its nave (Jensen).
Anastacia has several tattoos on her back, and one below her neck saying "Forever" in an unusual font.