Greenhaw has also organized unusual performance and recording opportunities for the Doughboys.
On 19 August, Spacemen 3 gave an unusual live performance.
The combination of stride length and stride rate led to a clearly unusual performance with the longer blades.
Crombie fidgeted a moment, an unusual performance for him.
This unusual performance was their first onstage since the 2004 tour.
It's an unusual performance in that the actress must simultaneously stand outside the character and interpret it, something not easily done.
The song is well known for its unusual performance, which began with Proeski ostensibly alone on stage.
I covered the lecture for the Times Herald, and it was 'an unusual performance'.
The opera, "Othello," was being performed in the college auditorium, and we would be witnessing an unusual performance.
Ambassador Krol gave opening remarks at a very unusual performance that premiered earlier this month.