Mr. Olson announced the reorganization and her departure with a highly unusual public rebuke yesterday.
His decision followed a telephone conversation earlier in the day with Peter Mandelson, the top-ranking European trade official, and an unusual public rebuke from the United States.
And last year he earned an unusual rebuke from a judge for approving a plea agreement involving three leading figures in a politically connected engineering firm.
The unusual public rebuke of the highly popular four-star general was the first sign of public disagreement between the civilian leadership and the military command.
But the complaints from the United States and elsewhere - notably an unusual rebuke of the British Government by the Pope - halted the program.
The unusual rebuke from a fellow Republican came in response to comments the Senate majority leader, Joseph L. Bruno, made in a Newsday interview published today.
The Appellate Court today described Judge McWeeny's warnings as "misguided," an unusual intra-judicial rebuke.
The North Koreans had just announced that they would withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, prompting an unusual if mild rebuke from Beijing.
The grand jury, in an unusual rebuke, ordered the investigation ended.
The raid drew an unusual rebuke from the Bush administration, which said Israel was endangering civilians.