In a highly unusual last-minute reversal, the Ford Motor Company withdrew a commercial from the game late yesterday in the face of complaints.
It was an unusual reversal of traditional political alignments in the debate over how far the government should go to deter terrorism.
Fox at first won his lawsuit and then lost it in an unusual reversal of decision by the U. S. Supreme Court.
But in an unusual reversal, the residents of the neighborhood are urging the city to close the park.
In an unusual reversal of roles, the push for industry standards is coming from security executives themselves.
His actions represent an unusual reversal by an agency that until recently had contended that its decisions to cut off benefits were proper.
Now, in what medical and legal experts say is a highly unusual reversal of fortune, it may well be brought back.
Late today, however, in an unusual reversal, New Jersey's environmental commissioner, Robert Shinn, said his state would sign up for the national deal.
It was an unusual reversal of an earlier finding by a three-member panel of the appellate court.
The couple was granted political asy lum in an unusual reversal of an earlier order to deport them.