It is a very unusual setup," the colonel muses, "not the kind of thing that military men would ever dream up.
There is a reason for this unusual setup, and once again, it goes back to politics.
We have an unusual physical setup here, one of the rare instances of two inhabited worlds in the same system.
But your rules produce an unusual setup; each ship is a patrilocal matriarchy.
This was an unusual setup for a significant tornado, associated with a warm front near a low-pressure center.
The main stage, in the amphitheater, had an unusual setup: the musicians were on a raised platform near the back, while the front became a dance floor.
It was an unusual setup.
This unusual setup continued until 2009, when one store was closed; Hart opened a new store in the former Zellers location.
This setup, unusual for a truck, is perfect for hauling a boat up a slippery launch ramp.
All goes well with the unusual setup until a farmer on a tractor plows down the boys' domicile.