Moreover, the unusual severity of the pain made this usual suspect somewhat less likely.
I repeat, no one could have predicted an American reaction of this unusual severity.
In an effort to set an example, he conducted the hearings and testimony with unusual severity, often grilling the witnesses himself.
People said that it was the hardest winter on record and that no one could be blamed for the unusual severity of the snowstorms.
That season was now gone; and winter had set in with sudden and unusual severity.
William was renowned for being faithful to his own wife, Matilda, and treated priests who took mistresses with unusual severity.
'Would you please get on with your work, Sandra,' said Edward with unusual severity.
A raging storm of unusual severity had taken the night.
Paradoxically, a policy that gives priority to avoiding recession could bring a recession of unusual severity, he said.
Increasing the danger of unusual severity are highly leveraged corporate debt, high real interest rates and globalization of financial markets.