But Washington reporters often found him unusually attentive listening to their questions and trying to answer them directly rather than with the capital's staple of all-purpose soundbites.
Every report suggests that the audiences who attended "Mitridate" were pleased with what they heard and unusually attentive.
Service: Unusually attentive and helpful.
Apparently, the students also saw the similarities, because, as Warren noted, they were unusually attentive.
The reporters were unusually reverent; the jury consultants unusually attentive.
"But we still have to be unusually attentive to valuations and earnings because the global markets are really just moving sideways."
Several said New Dance combined unusually attentive technical training with a relaxed attitude that they missed in other programs.
So March took him to his wedding, stood handcuffed beside him throughout the service and even during the wedding pictures, like an unusually attentive best man.
When I gave the unusually attentive waitress my Visa card to pay the check, she asked, "What, not a platinum card?"
She said he was unusually attentive, not at all a skittish bachelor.