Not unlike 1992, the 1993 tornado season as unusually late.
Marienbard was an unusually late foal, being born on 26 May 1997.
Bunjaku joined his first club at 13 - unusually late for a future professional.
How often has your husband been unusually late home from work on a Friday?
Lots of you had reported seeing birds nesting now which seems unusually late.
Midnight was an unusually late hour for the insurance man.
At 16, an unusually late age for such decisions, she realized she wanted to be a professional dancer.
The concert took place at the unusually late hour of 11:30, following an earlier opera performance.
"He stayed until 10:30" - an unusually late hour for Lichtenstein.
He attributed the increase this year to a relatively mild winter combined with an unusually late spring.