Daniel didn't want to learn the hard way that Captain Bertram was an unusually lucky or resourceful officer.
The quartoes of Shakespeare, like first editions of Racine, are out of the reach of any but very opulent purchasers, or unusually lucky, fortunate book-hunters.
Doug has been unusually lucky with his own academic family of 9 postdocs, 32 students who have graduated with Ph.D.'s, and his other collaborators.
He had been unusually lucky in getting down, but to climb a constantly shifting surface was out of the question.
At the same time, some unusually lucky things happen.
They suspected such an ability was latent in humans already, having come to regard humanity as an unusually lucky species.
"Yes, we are unusually lucky to be in this position," she said.
In this he was unusually lucky.
For a herpetologist, as for a drill-press operator or a yakuza gangster, that's an unusually lucky number.
We hoped to produce a strain of unusually lucky humans.