An unusually perceptive reformer described the situation in an address to the National Christian League in 1895.
Nothing dire, certainly... It was the fault of her untrusting, unsociable Klingon side, she imagined; perhaps she wasn't unusually perceptive, just cursed.
Critic Janice Lovoos described them thus: "His drawings reveal an unusually perceptive and sensitive man as well as a draughtsman of extraordinary talent."
"Because you're unusually perceptive," Kirk joshed, then turned serious.
He re-emerged in the 1990s as a darkly witty and unusually perceptive singer-songwriter operating on the fringes of the folk scene.
(unusually perceptive suddenly) I didn't mean I didn't want one 'cause of you bein' cut up.
An unusually perceptive psychologist in France noticed that drivers get frustrated and upset in heavy traffic, and may vent their feelings by driving dangerously.
He was far more pleased than surprised; Goldman was unusually perceptive about these things.
Fourths, as recipients are known, are unusually perceptive and compassionate towards other people.
She sounds, in effect, like an unusually perceptive foreigner.