Many of his co-workers found him unusually talkative and physically restless, suggesting a hyperactivity disorder.
Alaskon himself, having been deprived of activity all day, was unusually talkative.
The land is covered with unusually talkative flowers and an anthropomorphic elephant-like vacuum-cleaner, known as Noo-Noo.
The boy wore an M-16 bullet on a thin gold chain around his neck and was unusually talkative to strangers.
This one seemed unusually talkative.
He was unusually talkative.
The young man is unusually talkative, constantly going on random but amusing tirades.
Then, an unusually talkative prosecutor publicly branded Rabbi Neulander as a possible suspect.
I heard them in the galley over breakfast, unusually talkative.
Jandria was in an unusually talkative mood.