The first barn quilt was an Ohio Star which was unveiled as part of a community celebration at a nearby herb farm.
A blue plaque was unveiled at the pub in 2008 as part of anniversary celebrations.
The plans were unveiled as part of the council's bid to win City challenge cash from the Government for inner city regeneration.
Channel 4 plans to unveil over twenty new sports reporters, all with disabilities, as part of their legacy from the Games coverage next year.
The statue was unveiled in 1894 as part of the Columbus quadricentennial, and it can still be seen in the Park today.
The Columbus Blue Jackets unveiled a third jersey November 24 as part of their 10th season celebration.
Signage displaying the ceremonial name was unveiled as part of a dedication ceremony held on November 14, 2007.
But yesterday, he unveiled the package as part of his drive to promote an agenda for a second term.
Mr. Clinton unveiled his drug proposal as part of a comprehensive plan to revamp Medicare on June 29 last year.
It will be unveiled tomorrow afternoon as part of an exhibit marking the park's 10th anniversary.