But the report attributes that assertion to "a single piece of unverified information" shared with the committee by intelligence agencies.
The airlines argued that they did not want to present any "unverified" information that might turn out to be wrong.
Tips and other unverified information from military personnel, law enforcement agencies and intelligence entities are entered into the system and evaluated, they said.
Shirky has also written about "algorithmic authority," which describes the process through which unverified information is vetted for its trustworthiness through multiple sources.
Ill-informed employees communicate unverified and untrue information that can create a devastating effect on employees.
She defines gossip as "unverified information about a person's private life that he or she might prefer to keep hidden."
Some scientists say, however, that E-biomed could confuse or alarm consumers by disseminating unverified information and "junk science" not reviewed by experts in the field.
Attempts were made to document the Polish victims of Ukrainian nationalists, with the inclusion of unverified or even falsified information.
"The information the Federation received in exchange for similarly unverified information collected from other sectors by Federation exploration vessels."
Since they are business organizations, they print or broadcast what is profitable even if it is sensational, bordering on pornographic, or unverified information.