According to unverified rumours, Sky Wonder's reverse gear was out of order at the time.
Conner's reports were generally dismissed as an unverified rumor throughout the media and Conner's reputation suffered as a result.
If some other journal or broadcast distributes unverified rumors - the equivalent of journalistic garbage - do we just pick it up and peddle it ourselves?
Public demonstrations were briefly revived on 9 July amidst unverified rumors that a 14-year-old girl had been beaten to death during the protests.
A popular, yet unverified rumor is that the application said Illium, but due to a misspelling or bad penmanship was interpreted as Ilion.
The rape of reputation by unverified, unsourced rumor, innuendo and plain cruelty is a growing blood sport, particularly in some magazines and TV "celebrity shows."
All you've given me thus far are unverified rumors and suppositions.
However, because the real reasons for the breakup were never officially released to the public, financial contract issues still remain an unverified rumor to this day.
Due to the destruction of houses and unverified rumors, the Palestinian spread accusations of massacre in Jenin, which were later refuted.
An unverified rumor claims she lost a leg in an accident while serving in the Army.