When solar ovens are placed outside, they do not contribute unwanted heat inside houses.
The unwanted heat is then carried back into the earth.
Violence throbbed in her voice, along with the unwanted heat of arousal.
Phase change materials can be designed to extract unwanted heat during the day, and release it at night.
It was no trouble to keep the Galileo warm enough, but how to get rid of unwanted heat was another matter.
Claudia stared blindly at the ground, willing herself not to blush, but unwanted heat swept over her.
Aluminium corrosion products, on the other hand, are resistive and therefore can cause unwanted heat.
But unwanted heat or not, the 108th annual Boston Marathon would go on.
This generated far less unwanted heat than a linear power supply, which most other home computers of the time used.
Shedding unwanted heat was always a problem in space.