It disturbs them on the political level and on the emotional level, the fear that unwashed and unwanted immigrants are going to pour in.
Governments generally enforce measures to reduce the amount of "unwanted" immigrants which may potentially pose a burden on the receiving society and economy.
Defend borders against illegal or unwanted immigrants?
In addition to the expected inhabitants, Futuria has had a great many unwanted immigrants.
The Canaries regional government has refused to comment on Spanish newspaper reports that it pays the air fare to get rid of the unwanted immigrants.
"I am determined, too," he said, noting that he had authorized 22 charter planes to return unwanted immigrants to their countries of origin since taking office last year.
Instead, a "dictation test" was introduced as a device for excluding unwanted immigrants.
The image of the West African in Paris, on the other hand, was that of unwanted illegal immigrants, called les sans papiers.
Myth: Hiring sites are magnets that draw unwanted immigrants to an area.
Scores have died on the electrified razor-wire fence that South Africa erected along its border to keep out unwanted immigrants.