Like with regular mail, users may get a lot of unwanted mail.
There are several spam-filter programs available that work alongside your e-mail application to help weed out unwanted mail.
There's a lot you can do to stop the growing pile of unwanted mail in your mailbox and unwelcome telemarketers on your phone.
The Message Rules function may take more time to use, but it is more flexible for blocking unwanted mail.
SPF has potential advantages beyond helping identify unwanted mail.
Aaron was asked if he has rid himself of the unwanted mail.
Find out what to do about wrongly addressed post and how to stop unaddressed and unwanted mail.
This will reduce unwanted mail to your address under their name.
A Dec. 9 letter writer mentions shopping bags full of unwanted mail.
Besides, you'll do your cause little good if you vex potential supporters by bombarding them with unwanted mail.