At least one junior doctor has complained that the 4-hour A&E target is too high and leads to unwarranted actions that are not in the best interests of patients.
Current senior partner John Norton described it as 'a totally unwarranted action', and added that any proceedings would be vigorously defended.
Acts of revenge in the workplace are viewed by the retaliator as a defensive act in response to the offender's unwarranted and unfair actions.
"How did he explain his unwarranted actions?"
On behalf of my country, I am deeply sorry for this unwarranted action against the people of Matsu, and beg forgiveness.
It's All About Communication 7 You can minimize the likelihood of unwarranted legal action.
Ken Lightfoot, chairman of the hospital's board of trustees, called the commission's decision "an unwarranted action on the credibility and financial viability of this hospital."
"Of course," Mason said, "I'll want it understood that I'm protesting vigorously against such unwarranted and high-handed action."
This is an unwarranted action and betrays an agreement signed up to in 1994 during privatisation.
There must be sufficient grounds for it, as, otherwise, Parliament will be guilty of unwarranted action.