Great discussion (with the exception of the one unwarranted attack against yeti-san.
It's a long story, and I'll tell it if you'll stop interrupting with these unwarranted attacks on my character.
His feelings often led him to make unwarranted attacks on Christianity which have given rise to very bitter complaints.
Forvar had died as the result of his unwarranted attack on Banouin.
We are simply trying to defend ourselves from this unwarranted attack.
As you say, the invasion of Georgia was not simply an unwarranted attack by the Russians.
He does not show viciousness by unwarranted or unprovoked attack.
Chris was suddenly aware of his unwarranted personal attack on his friend.
That is a quite unwarranted attack and should be withdrawn.
We'll let the diplomats sort out the unwarranted attack on the station.