Therefore if we were somehow able to strike soon, before the enemy's troops were reinforced, their unwarranted fears might somehow work to our favor.
On that basis, opposition to the act is not exclusively a cause of those arguing that it displays an unwarranted fear of Communism.
Wayans insists the joke is meant to lampoon those who display unwarranted fear of Aids and is no way in poor taste.
However, he has perpetuated some of the unwarranted fears and misconceptions concerning the area.
"The issue I'm most concerned about is unwarranted fear."
This led to unwarranted fear of all Native Americans in the area, even those friendly to the settlers' cause.
Although that would almost certainly stoke unwarranted fears, it's actually a reasonable approach given the current state of the science.
Philophobia is defined as the abnormal, persistent and unwarranted fear of falling in love.
Experts in pain management attribute the under-distribution of morphine to an unwarranted fear of the drug's potential for addiction and abuse.
The diver's heart begins to pump at a terrifying pace; his mind becomes numb with unwarranted fear.