They poke their unwashed faces into the windows of a stranger's car.
The stranger studied Wingate's bloodshot eyes and puffy, unwashed face with detached but unmalicious interest.
Before that horde of flying feet and unwashed faces, men and women scattered.
Children with unwashed faces and tattered clothing shrieked and chased each other, and tumbled underfoot.
She had looked down into the child's unwashed face and recognized it.
Frost stared at the tired, worn-out face, a face long unwashed, grimed and greasy with dirt.
Several unwashed faces looked toward us, and someone said, "Not cops.
A balmy breeze warmed Gideon's unwashed face.
Hundreds of children with unwashed faces and old eyes and undimmed smiles were waiting for them.
He looked like every other street person over the age of thirty, with a tangled beard, crooked teeth, and an unwashed face rendered featureless by hardship.