With the premature advent of night, the dwarves' lanterns revealed their true strength, flooding the streets with pure, unwavering light that made the entire valley glow.
You could see at a glance that all the stars shone with the same steady, unwavering light.
Only Elena's unwavering light, and his acute concentration as he negotiated the uneven steps, saved him from pitching headlong over the edge.
Gwydion stood for a moment, transfixed by Torm's gaze, by the unwavering light of loyalty and truth that radiated from the God of Duty.
Tapers burned with a clear unwavering light.
The streaks didn't move; they seemed to have been painted on the sky overhead', glowing bands of unwavering light.
A fire roared furnace-hot at the top of it, showering sparks at the night, casting an unwavering light across the town and the emperor's residence.
To this one, Ladonna had her back, and her hand upon the arm of the mahogany chair seemed white as bone in the strange, unwavering light.
Alice Notley has written, "There is an unwavering light in all of Trinidad's work that turns individual words into objects, new facts."
Roots from the metal trees had been trained along the uneven ceiling, filling the tunnel with their warm, unwavering light.