This is indeed unwelcome advice.
"Eat less" is the most unwelcome advice of all, but in fact the scientific case for eating a lot less than we currently do is compelling.
What these episodes illustrate is a man who is not a lawless zealot but a careful lawyer with the professionalism to give legally sound but unwelcome advice.
Mr. Segal offers unwelcome advice to the Palestinians as well.
"When servants come to their master with unwelcome advice with which he is obliged to agree, he accepts it grudgingly, and resentfully."
The unexpected, and probably unwelcome, advice came as the Chancellor, Norman Lamont, was busy rewriting the Budget speech in an attempt to secure his own political survival.
But for those who still want to get to the bottom of it there is both welcome and unwelcome advice.
Ms. Cavanaugh, here's a piece of unwelcome advice.
I never offered unwelcome advice.
However, having given outspoken and unwelcome advice to senior cadres, he was in 1952 charged with counter-revolutionary tendencies, demoted and sentenced to "remoulding."