They say the zoning change needed for the switch would open the door to unwelcome development.
Beynor's unexpected return to the castle that evening had been a most unwelcome development.
It was formed in response to concerns over unwelcome developments and also helped develop facilities for local residents.
Rustem had not given this possibility any thought at all, but it was hardly an unwelcome development.
Andy leaned back, looked over the heads of his assistants and for some moments contemplated this unwelcome development.
The more entrenched unwelcome developments have become, the harder it will be to reverse them.
"Not unless there have been some very unwelcome developments."
A damaged marine environment leads to impaired quality of life for many and is an unwelcome development.
Some of our crown jewels are about to be sold off to China, which is an unwelcome development.
Although this is an unwelcome development, the actions of the authorities cannot conflict with the basic principles of the market economy.