The proliferation of new religious houses in towns that were already struggling to cope was an unwelcome prospect, creating a backlash from local townspeople to nobility and diocesan clergy.
Here were Larsen and himself, grown men, well armed and equipped, and yet they were more than a little uneasy at the unwelcome prospect of meeting with the savage beasts.
It is also possible that no one will be able to piece together a government, and that would leave Greece's 6.5 million voters with the unwelcome prospect of new elections soon again.
It was the way he always dealt with unwelcome prospects.
The risk of chemical attack and the need to wear bulky protective gear makes that prospect especially unwelcome.
Lifting restrictions on internal migration raises the unwelcome prospect of a mass migration, while abandoning the one-child policy would be politically unpalatable.
From the perspective of the credit markets, a rise in German interest rates was an unwelcome prospect.
That is an unwelcome prospect for most Senators, particularly those who want to go home to campaign.
The unwelcome prospect did, though, cause him to realize that the other gun had not been trained on him to start with.
It was an unwelcome prospect and, for Southern planters, disturbing.