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The college is getting enough unwelcome publicity already, without charging one of the fellows with burglary.
Cancellations cost the dealers in fines, and can generate unwelcome publicity for the licensed dealer concerned.
The authority has no duty to implement any proposals for redress but clearly refusal to do so may lead to unwelcome publicity.
His final decades were shadowed by the unwelcome publicity that one of these friendships brought down on him.
As a result, this fine institution was subjected to a great deal of unwelcome publicity.
He could secure an apology through fear of financial loss, while sparing himself unwelcome publicity.
Sales of Anderson's novel declined markedly after this unwelcome publicity.
This event garnered scandalous and unwelcome publicity for Fisher.
The newly established courts treated the offenders too lightly for the liking of the authorities, and the press gave the case unwelcome publicity.
He probably didn't want a lot of unwelcome publicity.