"We would rather publish pristine financial statements that are beyond this kind of unwelcome scrutiny," said Michael Price, its president, in a conference call with investors.
The audit brought unwelcome scrutiny to the record of Rod Paige, the federal education secretary, who ran the Houston schools as superintendent from 1994 to early 2001.
For the doctors at Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat, the deaths have resulted in unfamiliar and unwelcome scrutiny.
Some Tibetans are also concerned that their role in revitalizing Buddhism in Nepal, the world's only Hindu kingdom, may come in for unwelcome scrutiny.
"We would rather publish pristine financial statements that are beyond this kind of unwelcome scrutiny," Michael Price, president and chief underwriting officer at Platinum, said in a conference call with analysts.
Carter assembles an international team of experts to commence the work under the unwelcome scrutiny of Lacau's inspector and the western press.
While Gotham's moves may have been intended to help it meet redemptions, they have instead brought unwelcome scrutiny.
The situation has brought unwelcome public scrutiny to R.I.M., the world's second-largest maker of smartphones, after Nokia.
The sheer number of simultaneous cases is unprecedented in the Senate, and the prominence of the members involved undoubtedly would have guaranteed some unwelcome public scrutiny.
Unwelcome Scrutiny of the Elite All of a sudden, the inhabitants of Wandlitz were subjected to the unwelcome scrutiny of the press.