Gothmara wields an unwholesome influence over them.
By virtue of her monopoly of eastern trade, the unwholesome influence of Queen Salmissra increased enormously in the west.
The resolutions require the university administration and the faculty senate to suggest to the regents supplemental criteria for admission or hiring, like "an abusive or otherwise dysfunctional home, or a neighborhood of unwholesome or anti-social influences."
The citizen was quoted as having called for the removal of the statue "to protect the souls of children from unwholesome influences."
A main aim of the new legislation was to prevent the introduction of unwholesome foreign influences like materialism, consumerism and immorality from abroad.
He recalled the superstitions of the natives, and wondered if there were something in them after all; if unwholesome influences were attached to those primeval stones.
Young people are exposed daily to violence, pornography, and other unwholesome influences over the internet.
"You're an unwholesome influence on Alexandros," the Peer addressed me.
Egypt annoyed him so much that he built a 200-mile wall along the border, to protect his citizens from their neighbours' unwholesome influence.
Meanwhile back in Germany a movement was beginning to protect good German gardens from unwholesome alien influences.