Some participants in yesterday's session complained about delays caused by the unwieldy size of the bargaining teams.
Another was the cooker's unwieldy size (which has since been halved).
The staff's unwieldy size is widely regarded as a major problem.
Monet, his popularity notwithstanding, was an uneven painter, and while the show has many great works, there aren't enough of them to explain its unwieldy size.
The book's unwieldy size is a metaphor for this enlarged urban context, while its jazzy, free-form contents reflect an artist's intuitive response to it.
These trucks haven't grown to their unwieldy size through natural selection.
It also spotlights the sheer unwieldy size and weight of 47 volumes of classified material.
"I think the department may have gotten to an unwieldy size," one of its former doctors said.
The local team was also of such an unwieldy size that Assayas frequently invented projects or errands simply to clear the set.
The resulting WAC swelled to an arguably unwieldy size, including schools from 16 states across 6 time zones.