To Valentine it seemed as though the guard moved in slow motion, and a rifle is an unwieldy weapon for a close-quarters fight.
They have become unwieldy polemic weapons, nothing more.
He touched the unwieldy weapon with his toe, thinking silently, "This will help us - maybe.
The teams dragged the heavy unwieldy weapons from their emplacements and floundered with them across the stream.
Kul jumped down from the wole, carrying not Zaxa's unwieldy weapon but his own short heavy sword.
However, no evidence exists to show such trickery took place and the likelihood is that the unwieldy weapons were of very limited use in the circumstances.
However, he had designed a special rack on the side of his chariot to accommodate the extra length of the more powerful but unwieldy weapon.
A gun crew of Yugnans had shifted their unwieldy weapon and its insulated steam boiler to a freight-carrying vehicle.
The lances seemed clumsy, unwieldy weapons.
On the bank, waiting for his signal, were grouped his flame- lancers, holding their long, unwieldy weapons carefully.