Since then, his imaginations unwittingly become reality to haunt whatever's left of the tour group during their escape.
In the episode, the boys try to capitalize on a sudden rise in Peruvian flute bands, unwittingly becoming players in a demonic being's plan to employ giant guinea pigs to attack the public.
The clear inference is that freedmen are ignorant about politics and unprepared for freedom, unwittingly becoming the tools of corrupt Reconstruction officials.
Though Professor Bruttenholm assured him that the faith of the one holding the cross gave him power over vampires, he ran, unwittingly becoming a victim in a plot to resurrect Erzebet.
They were almost embracing each other by now, but at this point Pavel Nikolayevich unwittingly became rather dignified.
In the first episode of the first series, Thelma gave her life to save Cassie's - unwittingly becoming the sacrifice instrumental in returning Azazeal's power.
Often, this involved being placed in a hostile environment (the Arctic, the open sea, deserts), or unwittingly becoming involved in a larger conflict or conspiracy.
Lex had just unwittingly become a convert.
Displacement can act in a chain-reaction, with people unwittingly becoming both victims and perpetrators of displacement.
Later that afternoon, Shunsuke Kobayashi paid a visit to the Saeki House, unwittingly becoming the first victim of the grudge.