No,' he concluded, pulling himself reluctantly out of his Croesian day-dream, 'I am not an unworldly man.
Giles Pennyfeather was probably the most unworldly man she had ever met, gauche, eccentric, sometimes irritating, always hopelessly honest.
Sammy decided the abbot was the most unworldly man he'd ever met.
He was an unworldly little man but his zest for enjoyment was clearly great and both these qualities I found endearing.
They appealed to unworldly men in all their rude, often brutal strength and sweetness.
He had been exactly the sort of unsullied, unworldly yet not stupid young man the seminary sought.
He continued taking photographs throughout the last three decades of his life, finally achieving the commercial success that had previously evaded this rather unworldly man.
An unworldly man, he dedicated himself singlemindedly to his art.
There are moments when St. Francis, the most unworldly man who ever walked the world, is almost too efficient for me.
Twort was a reserved and somewhat unworldly man.