Since 1954, the play has been translated into 40 languages, including an unwritten African language in which performers learn the parts by hearing them repeated.
As is the case for most unwritten languages of Vanuatu, no detailed description has ever been published yet on them.
Candidates study advanced linguistic techniques, learning how to alphabetize unwritten languages and translate the Bible.
Tshangla is traditionally an unwritten language and has no official status in any country.
Shawiya Berber was, until recently, an unwritten language and rarely taught at school.
Prior to the Russian conquest, Ossetian was reportedly an unwritten language.
Historically, Romani was an exclusively unwritten language.
Sapir's applications of the comparative method to unwritten Native American languages are regarded as groundbreaking.
An unwritten language, Hopi has no transcribed form of the word, and the new spelling is said to better reflect its pronunciation.
Before the 19th century, Balochi was an unwritten language.