The two hagglers eyed each other, and then Mama's broad face beamed down at Tirla's unyielding expression.
He glanced at Odo's unyielding expression, and shrugged.
Jeff paused to regard Afra's unyielding expression and sighed in exasperation.
They met Goofer's with an unyielding expression.
It looked like she wanted to say something more but she saw the unyielding expression on his face and turned and fled.
In the features of Henry Arnaud, he saw an inflexible, unyielding expression.
Dixon absorbed the remark with the same unyielding expression.
He walked along, hands clasped behind his back, his expression hard and unyielding, in marked contrast to Dirk, who sauntered along like a pubescent boy enjoying his first erection.
Porthios came, and Alhana whose eyes were cold as stone, whose face was set in an unyielding expression of disdain.
The blond woman folded her arms and stared at him, her expression stern and unyielding.