The agreement included among other things that they were to "Show united and unyielding opposition to the president's economic policies."
He entered the primary for governor on the 25th anniversary of Roe v. Wade to emphasize his unyielding opposition to abortion.
Of course, unyielding opposition to action would be a tricky proposition for even the most free-market Republicans.
Rigidly applied, they require a form of guilty passivity in the face of ruthless and unyielding opposition.
In addition, women's groups are pointing to his unyielding opposition to abortion.
What he intended would stand in unyielding opposition to everything the Order represented.
Yet around the country, politicians of both parties continued to publicly portray themselves as good Catholics, even as they defied the Vatican's unyielding opposition to abortion.
The Muslim Brotherhood's unyielding opposition to Jordanian peace agreements with Israel is only one point of contention.
Even though Curzon remains unpopular with feminists because of his unyielding opposition to female suffrage, he preferred the company of women, and they adored his.
He was known for his unyielding opposition to Russia's two wars in Chechnya.