Her view was at odds with the group's unyielding support of abortion rights and again pointed up the contrast between NOW and some other women's organizations.
Purcell also commented that he believed crowdfunding had unyielding bipartisan support and would continue to progress.
Perhaps if I continued rubbing against the unyielding support, I could hatch myself from the cocoon of rope-wound blanket.
She needed its unyielding support.
Some literary critics have argued that Milton encoded many references to his unyielding support for the "Good Old Cause".
As he has made his way around the course, DiMarco said he has felt unyielding support, from close family to distant friends.
It is important to highlight that she received a total unyielding support from her husband in this decision.
General Musharraf also defiantly restated Pakistan's unyielding political support for the cause of Kashmiri Muslims.
What I don't understand is their unyielding support of Mr. Arbor.
In thine wisdom and mercy, grant unto her the unyielding support of the deep, deep south.