The oil and gas company offering the highest up-front payment to the government (called a bonus) wins the lease.
She seemed shocked that one agent asked for up-front payment for his work.
"It may also help to fund the $10 billion up-front payment for the global settlement," he said.
The companies also accepted to pay a total of $3 billion U.S. dollars as up-front payments.
That amount, the study said, "would equal to an up-front payment of approximately $76 million."
It acquired the reactors for nearly $1 billion, with an up-front payment of more than $300 million.
Users may also submit content for publication without an up-front payment.
Eliminates the requirement for a large up-front payment to an insurance company.
The bonus is an up-front payment made at the time the lease takes effect.
But I know you'll agree that the up-front payment and future percentage scales are most favourable to you both.