Reflecting its new craving for this safety paradise, the F.A.A. grounded Valujet last week, citing "serious deficiencies" - the agency had clearly changed its mind since its upbeat appraisal after the May crash.
In an upbeat appraisal The Horror Review called it "a fast-paced and highly original werewolf thriller".
He began his survey of the world - which his national security adviser, Samuel R. Berger, called a "State of the Union for foreign policy" - with an upbeat appraisal of the times.
On its website, the IDSF gives an upbeat appraisal of the chances of dancesport being included in a future summer Olympic Games.
Other states, including Texas and Florida, have sought advice from Michigan officials about adopting single business taxes of their own and are generally given an upbeat appraisal.
The general upbeat appraisal for "faster, cheaper, better" is all the more remarkable given a rash of failures that began in 1997 and reached a crescendo in past weeks:.
Trump named a president of the Trump Shuttle and gave an upbeat appraisal of its finances.
President Clinton, on the other hand, took as his basic theme an incumbent's typically upbeat appraisal: "We are better off than we were four years ago.
I put those questions to some distinguished music makers and for the most part received an upbeat appraisal.
Major Byson's optimistic, upbeat appraisal of the war was understandably contagious.