Recent upbeat reports show that confidence, retail spending, home buying and hiring are all up.
Stocks already were trading higher before the Fed decision on an upbeat economic report.
He had been the subject of several upbeat reports by national news organizations touting him as a possible Presidential contender.
Hewlett's upbeat quarterly report came at a time of concern for the overall health of the personal computer market.
The upbeat reports, which reduced the chances that the Federal Reserve would lower interest rates soon, hurt the bond market.
In another seemingly upbeat report, the Conference Board, a research group supported by business, said consumer confidence jumped 16 percent.
Ms. Zierk puts together a regular newsletter, generally filled with upbeat reports from the officers.
The strong figures were the latest of a string of upbeat reports about the economy.
Overall, though, it contained a largely upbeat report on other military, economic and political fronts.