He is asked by phone for "words of wisdom" for an upcoming meeting.
This guy was involved with organizing an upcoming meeting between Nidal and a wealthy Saudi.
Jason had been terrified of her upcoming meeting with Triton.
The director has selected Sandy, a young actress, and will finalise the deal in an upcoming meeting.
Tyra seemed withdrawn and nervous again, maybe a reaction to having opened up to me for a few moments, maybe because of her upcoming meeting.
Appointment reminders - Automatically reminds participants of an upcoming meeting.
The next morning Fox is back in Gould's office, excited about their upcoming meeting with the studio head.
"A hopeful sign, indicative of an upcoming meeting of the minds, I trust."
I left in the middle of the concert and went home to concentrate on my upcoming meeting with the gentlemen of the draft board.
A sketched hand on a classroom chalkboard signified an upcoming meeting.