Internet technology has allowed the editors to update entries of the Biographical Directory on a daily basis.
Although the book's first edition contained a mere 600 pages, the fourth would overflow with 1,080, updating older entries and adding 30 new personalities.
Style books are out of date before they reach the printer, whereas an online guide makes it possible to update entries quickly, responding to world events and breaking news stories.
There's no question that Wikipedia volunteers can address many more topics than the lumbering, for-profit incumbents like Britannica and World Book, and can update entries swiftly.
Dec 6 Fri 2pm Updating previous entries to this log.
A. Ms. Williamson estimates that she spends four hours a week adding people to her database, updating entries and sending e-mail, and that she attends at least one event a week.
The database manager actively solicits information to update and improve entries.
Only users approved by EcuRed administrators are able to update entries and a .
To update the list of odd / even vertices in , we need only update entries, inserting / removing as necessary.
We then update entries in the list of vertices in with more odd than even neighbors, inserting / removing as necessary.