The company is known for providing a way for ticket holders to upgrade their seats in real-time before and during an event.
Amazon mandated all web stores to upgrade to its new SDKs before Nov. 1, 2010.
We have already heard expressions of severe dismay from many other iPhone 3G users being told they cannot upgrade before 2010.
Rapidly upgrading a single piece before the opposing player is a common and generally successful strategy.
Some airlines confirm upgrading 24 hours before flight time; others do not do so until two hours before boarding.
Only seen in the North American version, Double Axle offered players the option to upgrade their monster truck before every race.
Handy hint: Don't upgrade right before diving into an important project on deadline.
Another official said the Administration hoped to upgrade relations before April 25.
At least one Hyperscore user needed to upgrade the video card on a three-year-old computer before the software would function.
Also, upgrades are typically granted based on your frequent flier status, so an airline's elite customers are usually given the chance to upgrade before everyone else.