The Tirupati airport is to be upgraded to an International Airport and the upgrade process is underway.
This release shows that most, if not all, of the kinks of the upgrade process have been ironed out, and the future looks very bright indeed.
I have to say that, thankfully, my upgrade process was completely flawless and error free.
A mid-life upgrade process, mostly guideway improvements, was implemented in 1998.
So Microsoft is going with a dumbed-down upgrade process to go with the infantile touch-screen interface?
These F-5s will receive the same configuration as those from the initial 46 F-5s currently completing the upgrade process.
The complete upgrade process took 3 years.
Not until 1980 did NSB start the upgrade process of two El 11s.
From start to finish, the whole upgrade process has taken a little over two months, with most users receiving the update at or soon after its release.
I've migrated three machines from 10.6 to Lion using the upgrade process without a hitch.