At his coronation, William promised to uphold existing laws and customs.
Mag Eochagáin dedicated this translation to his brother-in-law, Toirdhealbhach Mac Cochláin (Terrence Coughlin), whose family was among the last to uphold and practice native Irish Gaelic customs.
Cleve, despite his previous contact with intellectual Chinese, rather expected Ling Soo to talk in pidgin English, for the man, Cleve knew, was one who upheld Chinese customs.
"This champion shall represent the best we have to offer: strong, proud, determined, dedicated to upholding the honor and customs of Staal-Ysta even against a sword-dancer as devastating as the Sandtiger."
Founded by Rabbi David Shofet and the Iranian Jews of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, upholds the traditions and customs of Iranian Jews according to Orthodox, Sephardic Halacha.
"We will uphold our traditions and customs," said Patekile Holomisa, president of the Congress of Traditional Leaders, a political party in South Africa.
Often the tyrants upheld existing laws and customs and were highly conservative as to cult practices, thus maintaining stability with little risk to their own personal security.
The residents of this area, also known as Kafiristan, which means land of the infidels, are fighting to uphold their principles, traditions and customs in a hostile environment which is gradually taking over.
However, the U'a-Pua was revived in 2003 following the foundation of a body for upholding local customs called Majelis Hadat Dana Mbojo led by two children of the last Sultan, Muhammad Salahuddin namely Putra Kahir and Siti Maryam.